World of Tanks Cheats Exposed Again

World of Tanks Cheats Exposed Again

This video was created as a training video for my clans weekly training session to show and discuss World of Tanks cheats. The focus was on what they are, what they do and what we can do to try and counter them. I do not promote, name, recommend or use cheats in normal game play.
This video is being posted for those who have never seen the cheat mods in action but have heard of them. My focus was showing you the cheats first hand so you can get an idea of how messed up it is that people are using these. These mods have been bundled and are sold for a monthly price. Some of the mods include; AIM bot, lasers, redball, destroyed objects, tundra, reload timer, blind hit mod, tracer, enemy direction, always black sky etc…
If you like what i have posted feel free to subscribe as more training vids will follow. You can also check-out my website at
You can also see the training session page with helper pdf file showing the list of mods at